There is excitement and even a little bit of sexiness in the face of a good wake-up. For a lot of us, these wake-ups tend to occur around the new year, or our birthdays or Mondays. There's hope and possibility and excitement for what is to come when we get to a place where we're ready to leave the old unhealthy stuff behind. But what about when we don't want to wake-up and face reality... or even worse when we don't even know we're asleep?

Sleepwalking through life looks different for us all. We mask it so well that sometimes we fool ourselves into thinking it's all life has to offer. But here's what I know from experience: I would rather live one uncomfortable day being fully alive than an eternity asleep to all I was created to see, feel and experience.

An entire beautiful magical life is waiting for us all when we're willing to wake up to who we are and what we were created for. It's usually really uncomfortable. It may require forgiving ourselves or others, it might even start with learning to love ourselves.

TAKE ACTION: Where do you need to wake-up? Do you need to be more present with your family? Do you need to get out of debt or stop emotional eating? Do you need to start exercising or volunteering? Do you simply need to stop pretending to be someone you're not?

We're with you on this journey! If you want to join a community of others waking up to their own greatness... join our Outsider Nation, facebook group. You're not alone friend!

Here are 3 ways to wake-up right now:

1) Evaluate: Is any area of your life controlled by other people's opinions -OR- what you think other people will think of you?

2) Make a list: What are 3 things you've dreamed about doing but never pursued because they seemed unrealistic or you were just too scared? Write them down.

3) Take a risk: Sometimes we think risks have to be big and scary... but in reality, what moves us forward is taking small risks on a regular basis.

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