IT'S NOT A SETBACK, IT'S AN ADVENTURE. Does it feel like nothing is going right at the moment? What if you re-framed your mindset to look at your current situation as an adventure? Sometimes adventures aren't fun in the moment but they make great stories and often reveal courage and strength we didn't even know we had!
TAKE ACTION: How can you re-frame whatever challenge you are facing today and turn it into an adventure? What does that even mean? Sometimes a road block requires us to take a step back and change up our game plan (pssst. This is the adventure) What needs to shift in your attitude, your strategy or your situation to make what you're going through a story you'll tell your grand kids??
TAKE ACTION: How can you re-frame whatever challenge you are facing today and turn it into an adventure? What does that even mean? Sometimes a road block requires us to take a step back and change up our game plan (pssst. This is the adventure) What needs to shift in your attitude, your strategy or your situation to make what you're going through a story you'll tell your grand kids??