YOUR DREAM IS BEAUTIFUL! Whether you're the resolutions type or not we all have a dream of some sort. Going after it doesn't have to start because it's the new year, but it should start. You're the only person who can carry out your dream the way you can. What you're carrying right now has the potential to make the word a better place! What are you going to do about it!
TAKE ACTION: We're 42% more likely to accomplish what we right down. I right down my dreams every single morning. It's not woo woo vudoo- when we're intentional about writing it - we bring it back to the forefront of our mind! Today and everyday this week I dare you to write your dream down and then repeat the same process next week 😉
TAKE ACTION: We're 42% more likely to accomplish what we right down. I right down my dreams every single morning. It's not woo woo vudoo- when we're intentional about writing it - we bring it back to the forefront of our mind! Today and everyday this week I dare you to write your dream down and then repeat the same process next week 😉