Wonder: (noun) To be surprised by the beauty of something unfamiliar, inexplicable or unexpected.

Wonder is all around us but it’s easy to miss! Especially on days like today. Coming back from a long weekend can push us into "get stuff done" mode. Don't get me wrong, a productive day is pretty wonderful BUT when we can look up, take a breathe AND CHOOSE to see beauty and kindness in the world around us we will be filled with wonder.

Why does it matter??? Why is wonder so great?? Starting our work week off with wonder sets our perspective and how we will react to the world around us. We are being inundated with bad news, so much feels heavy and out of our control... but when we can be present and choose wonder our hearts and minds almost instantly become lighter.

Instead of being bearers of bad news and negativity we become bearers of light and love and kindness. We get to choose how we will experience this week AND how we will influence those around us.

TAKE ACTION: Set your alarm on your phone to remind you to stop and breathe at least three times today. Here's how it will go:

                       * Breathe in for 4 seconds
                       * Breathe out for 4 seconds
                       * Hold your breath for 4 seconds
                       * Breathe in for 4 seconds

THEN, take a moment to look around you and choose to find unexpected beauty in something you've missed.

Wonder is a choice and it will build something beautiful in your life if you let it!! Here's to an amazing day!

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